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The spotted Hyenas

The spotted Hyenas

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Spotted hyenas are scientifically known as “crocuta crocuta” and are among the most impressing attractions that are always encountered on our “Safaris.” The spotted hyena prefers to live in the rolling savannah landscapes of Uganda among which include the National Parks that fall under the Vegetation category. Spotted hyena is known to be the only

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The tree climbing lions.

The tree climbing lions.

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Tree climbing lions are a rarity in Africa however in Ishasha-“Queen Elizabeth Park,” you will find about 50 of them sleeping the day away in the fig trees found here. They provide you with some of the best Big Cat photo shoots in Uganda. Ishasha is the most reliable location in East Africa to spot

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The pelicans

The pelicans

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The pelicans are distinctive large water birds often seen swimming in tight flotillas on open lakes of the Great Rift Valley which can be easily identified both at rest and in flight. Pelicans can be separated from each other by their size, color and behavior. In Uganda we have the Great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)


The common eland

The common eland

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The common eland (Taurotragus oryx), also known as the southern eland or eland antelope, is a savannah and plains antelope found in East and Southern Africa  The Common Eland is a species of the family Bovidae and genus Taurotragus, which was first described by Peter Simon Pallas in 1766. An adult male is around 1.6 meters

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Bwindi impenetrable national park

Bwindi impenetrable national park

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The impenetrable forest has in the past been commonly known as “Bwindi-Kay onza” which implies to a place of darkness which one meets when he enters this enchanting vegetation. Bwindi was first gazetted to a status of a forest reserve in 1932 and again as an animal sanctuary in 1961. Since 1961, the Forest department

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Africa’s Best Birding Spot-Destination

Africa’s Best Birding Spot-Destination

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Uganda is undeniably a birding paradise every adventurous birder should include it on their bucket list. Currently, Uganda’s checklist stands at 1065 bird species, which is about half of Africa’s bird list, and close to 11% of the global birds. The enormous diverse habitats compare to no other. Uganda actually shares all of Africa’s ecological