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Ssese Islands

Ssese Islands

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The Ssese Islands is on the Northwest of Lake Victoria, the Ssese Islands form one of Uganda’s prime destinations for short holidays, honey moons, as well as for game fishing, in particular Nile Perch . The Ssese Archipelago consists of 84 separate Islands, some large and densely inhabited, others small and deserted, but lushly forested

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Lakes and Rivers

Lakes and Rivers

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Uganda is located in the Great Lakes basin and this area is around the Tropical Equatorial region of Africa and crossed by the Great Rift Valley escarpment. Because of these Geographical and Natural features, Uganda has a number of water resources…lakes, rivers, swamps and waterfalls in this diverse ecology. Other countries in Great Lakes region

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Though many have known Uganda for gorilla safaris, the experience goes beyond to mountains in different corners of the country. Regardless of your fitness, Uganda has both short and long hiking spots to meet you expectations. Interestingly, Uganda’s popular volcanoes/ mountains are situated in national parks such as Rwenzori national park, Mt Elgon national park