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How best to prepare for gorilla tracking?

How best to prepare for gorilla tracking? – Gorilla trekking is often described as a life-changing experience seeing them up close in their natural habitat is something you’ll never forget. Gorilla trekking in Uganda is not just a journey; it’s a privileged encounter with the utmost respect for these incredible creatures and their habitat is paramount. Uganda proudly hosts almost 50% of the world’s endangered mountain gorillas, making it a premier destination for an awe-inspiring gorilla trekking safari adventure.

Mountain gorillas in Uganda are found in southwestern part of Uganda. One can see them in either one of the four sectors of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga National Park. The best destination to see mountain gorillas in their natural habitat is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park ie Buhoma, Ruhijja, Rushaga and Nkuringo.

The number one item to best prepare for gorilla tracking in Uganda and Rwanda is the gorilla permit. The permit is your gorilla trekking access pass which is issued by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, the permit allows you one hour with a single gorilla family. Uganda Wildlife Authority, a government conservation arm, is the only one authorized to issue permits on behalf of the government. You can purchase yours directly from UWA offices in Kampala. Alternatively get one through a licensed tour operator in Uganda like Lakato Safaris.

Any foreign non-resident of the age of 15 and above can track Uganda’s gorillas for a permit price of USD 800. Foreign residents pay USD 700, and East African Nationals pay 300,000 Uganda Shillings (UGX). To get more time with the gorillas in their natural habitat, go for the Habituation permit that currently costs USD 1,800. The Habituation permit offers at least four hours with a gorilla family.

UWA allows only 8 people to visit and spend one hour with a single gorilla family per day for trekking. Only 4 people can participate in the habituation process with a single wild gorilla family. 19 gorilla families are available for gorilla trekking, and two are reserved for research and habituation experience meaning the Uganda Wildlife Authority issues 152 gorilla trekking permits and 8 Habituation permits per day, all year round.

At the briefing point, the park warden will tell you more of the guidelines you must observe. The guidelines are for the gorillas and your safety during the trek, so please ensure you understand and ask questions before you head out. You will be required to wear a facemask when you get to the gorillas. However, you will not be required to wear it during the hike until you meet the gorillas. Carry several surgical facemasks, so that you can put on a fresh one when needed.

Every trekker’s chances to meet the mountain gorillas on a Uganda gorilla trek are pretty high and assuring with 99% of all trekkers in Uganda get their chance to meet the incredible mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. UWA trailhead offices send out a group of rangers to track a gorilla troop from where they left them nesting the previous evening. When they find them, the rangers stick with the gorillas on the foraging expeditions and radio-call out to your lead ranger guide with updates on their location bearings. It’s typical for a lead guide to talk on a walkie-talkie during your trek.

Packing list for gorilla tracking

  • Sturdy shoes with a good grip and good ankle support
  • Lightweight hiking pants
  • Long socks. You need to tuck your pants into your socks to avoid safari ants crawling up your legs!
  • Long-sleeve hiking shirt to protect your arms from branches and thorns. You can wear a short-sleeve shirt under your hiking shirt in case it is hot and you are not walking through dense forest.
  • A hat for sun protection
  • Jacket for the cool mornings
  • Drinking water (3 liters per person)
  • Picnic lunch
  • Raincoat
  • Camera with a zoom lens