
Lakato Safaris gives you the chance to explore the real Africa and learn about the wide, fascinating culture of the tribes in Uganda. Visit Kampala for an introduction with some interesting, historical sites following the Kabaka’s Trail. Marvel at the Source of the Nile where Speke discovered the true origin of the river Nile and get to know what the Basoga culture and tradition holds behind this. Visit Fortportal and follow the trails of the Banyoro with their culture or visit a local village with us for a true cultural fascination…!

The culture of Uganda is made up of a diverse range of ethnic groups. Theirs is no one Ugandan culture. In fact, there are as many cultures as there are peoples. Lake Kyoga forms the northern boundary for the Bantu-speaking people, who dominate much of East, Central and Southern Africa. In Uganda, they include the Baganda and several other tribes In the north, the Lango and the Acholi peoples predominate, who speak Nilotic languages. To the east are the Iteso and Karamojong, who speak a Nilotic language, whereas the Gishu are part of the Bantu and live mainly on the slopes of Mt. Elgon. They speak Lumasaba, which is closely related to the Luhya of Kenya. A few Pygmies live isolated in the rainforest of western Uganda.