The Baringo Giraffe – Will The Baringo Giraffe survive?
When it comes to rare mammal species in Uganda, almost immediately the mountain gorilla is mentioned. But in Uganda with its abundant flora and fauna, lives an even rare mammal, the Baringo giraffe (also known as Uganda giraffe or the Rothschild’s giraffe).
The total number of wild individuals is estimated at around 840 individuals, spread across 13 populations in Uganda and Kenya (South Susan, the species is already extinct). This makes the Rothschild’s giraffe one of the rarest mammals in the world.
To compare, although still in the danger zone, more than 900 mountain gorillas inhabit again the afro montane forests of Uganda,
Rwanda and DR Congo.
Since 2007, the Baringo giraffe. (Rothschild’s giraffe) is recognized as a species and not as a sub species. In 2012, the Rothschild’s giraffe was listed as endangered by IUCN. If no action is taken, the Baringo giraffe will extinct in the near future. Extra bitter is the fact that there are almost as much of these beautiful animals in zoos around the world as there are in the world.
Distribution in Africa.
Originally, the Rothschild’s giraffe inhabited the region from the Rift valley of West-Central Kenya across Uganda to the Nile River and northward into southern South Sudan. Nowadays, the Rothschild’s giraffe occurs in the wild only in Uganda, while in Kenya, small reintroduced populations occur in mutually isolated, forced areas, including Lake Nakuru National Park. In connection with inbreeding, mixing is required between the Kenyan populations, but unfortunately not possible.
The drastic decline of the Rothschild’s giraffe population began in the Sixties and Seventies of the last century during the civil war. From about 2000 individuals around 1960, the population dropped to about 200 individuals in 1999. Today the greatest threats are the massive human population growth, habitat encroachment, segregation of giraffe populations, severe poaching and human wild life conflicts.
The Baringo Giraffe Distribution in Uganda.
In Uganda, you can find the Rothschild’s giraffe in the northern Savanah Parks; Murchison Falls National Park and Kidepo Valley National Park. It is the only giraffe species you can see in Uganda. The wild population in Murchison Falls National Park is according to the Uganda Wildlife Authority estimated at approximately 750 individuals (in 1991 only 78 Individuals).
Rescue Mission For The Baringo Giraffe
In late June and early July 2015, the UWA, trans-located 15 Rothschild’s giraffes to Lake Mburo National Park. The purpose is to ensure the conservation of the species by spreading the population across Uganda.
By spreading the population is, for example, less vulnerable for deadly infectious diseases which could wipe out the largest part of Rothschild’s giraffe population in Murchison Falls National Park.
In the future move Rothschild’s giraffe from Murchison Falls National park will be translocated to Queen Elizabeth National Park and southern sector of Murchison Falls National Park located south of the Victoria Nile.
When you visit the Ugandan National Parks i.e. MFNP, KVNP, and LMNP, be aware of the fact that when you see Rothschild’s giraffes, they are the last of their kind. It cannot and should not happen that this unique type of giraffe will extinct in the near future.
UWA now seems to be convinced with the seriousness to protect the Rothschild’s giraffe from extinction. It is therefore not to be understood that despite two negative reports in 2011 stating that Oil drilling in Murchison Falls National Park will be very harmful for the Rothschild’s giraffe, oil production just continues and has already resulted in destruction of the wild life habitat.