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Mountains of the Moon

Mountains of the Moon

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The Rwenzori are the legendary “Mountains of the Moon” which was gazetted to a National park in 1991 and became known as Rwenzori Mountains National Park and it is managed by Uganda Wildlife Authority. Rwenzori national park lies in western Uganda along the Uganda-Congo border. The headquarters of the national park are in Nyakalenjija village along the Mubuku valley. The Rwenzori Mountain is the third highest in Africa rising up more than 16,700 feet above sea level and its highest peaks rise above the clouds and are permanently snow-capped.

Since 1994 Rwenzori Mountains National Park was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Almost 386 sq. mi in size, the park has Africa’s third highest mountain peak with many waterfalls, lakes, and 6 glacial peaks; Mount Speke, Mount Stanley, Mount Gessi, Mount Emin Pasha, Mount Luigi da Savoia as well as Mount Baker providing stunning views of the glacier and snow-capped mountains just kilometers from the equator further extending to the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. While the lower slopes are blanketed in moorland, bamboo and rich, moist montane forest. Huge tree-heathers and colourful mosses are draped across the mountainside with giant lobelias and Helichrysum creating an enchanting fairy-tale scene.

Mountains of the Moon

The park supports an important biodiversity hosting over 70 species of mammals recorded, including the Angola colobus, the black and white colobus, L’Hoest monkey, chimpanzees, forest elephants, hyrax, leopard, yellow backed duiker, golden cat, genet, giant forest hog and bushbuck. The mammals, though not many in numbers, can be found in the lower mountain forest zone. There are 241 species of birds recorded and 19 of them are endemic like the Rwenzori Turaco, the malachite sunbird, the long tailed cuckoo, long eared owl, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Long-eared Owl, Handsome Francolin, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Archers’ Robin-chat, White-starred Robin, Rwenzori Batis, Montane Sooty Boubou, Lagden’s Bush Shrike, Slender-billed Starling, Blue-headed Sunbird, Golden-winged Sunbird, Strange Weaver and several varieties of Barbets, Greenbuls, Apalises, IIladopsis, Flycatchers and Crimsonwings.

RwenzoriMountain Rwenzori is an international first-class challenging mountaineering Uganda tour destination; whose summit the Margherita Peak which is the highest on the mountain can be conquered in 9 to 12 days by well trained climbers. Non skilled climbers are offered less challenging routes which will as well offer them the opportunity to explore the places close to the peaks.
People who would rather participate in a less challenging activity can enjoy nature walks in the nearby  Bakonzo villages offering nature walks to visit a number of homesteads, enjoy traditional cultural performances by the local people and above all get an opportunity to enjoy some of the delicious meals locally prepared by here.

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