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The Nile Crocodile (CrocodilusNiloticus)

The nile crocodile is a massive reptile and probably the most feared predator in Africa. Crocodiles have the strongest bite in the animal kingdom. The Nile crocodile’s bite can exert a force eight times more powerful than that of a great white shark and 15 times more than a Rottweiler’s’ powerful muscles for closing the jaws. However, contrast with small, weak ones for opening.

Nile crocodile, Nile, Crocodile

Female crocodiles exhibit impressive maternal care. They use their massive jaws to transport newly hatched young to a “nursery pool” where they guard them from Predators.

The sex of Crocodile hatchings is determined by the temperature at which the eggs incubate. At 30 degrees or less, they will be mostly female, at 31 degrees, they will be mixed and at 32 degrees, they will be mostly male.

Crocodiles are the most vocal of reptiles. Among more than five different calls are deep, vibrating below of the courting males and the peeping of babies inside the egg. This peeping encourages the females to excavate the nest.

Large crocodiles swallow stones known as gastroliths. These act as ballast, helping them to balance their body under water.

One of the most impressive things on a Nile boat ride up to Murchison Falls or down to the Lake Albert Delta is the number and size of the Nile Crocodiles. Their sheer size will impress you.

Nile crocodile, River

Murchison Falls has the highest concentration of Nile Crocodiles in Africa. They can be up to 6bmetres in length (20) feet and can weigh over 700 plus kgs.

The amazing thing is that they live between 90 to 100 years thus outliving most of humans. They feed on most fish but can easily take an antelope coming to water at the Nile and to bite this large prey thus known for the strongest biting force.

On a boat safari, you often see Crocodiles partly submerged in the water. Most often, when they dive in search for the prey, it will be for a few minutes but amazingly a Nile Crocodile can keep hold its breath for up to two hours.

Crocodiles have a four chambered heart that is well equipped to keep the blood oxygenated.

Males are 30% smaller than females. This larger body size, allows the females to lay more eggs up to 80.


Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth, Lake Mburo, Semiliki and Kidepo Valley are best spotted National Parks to see Crocodiles.

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