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Things to do in Rwenzori Mountain National Park Uganda

Things to do in Rwenzori Mountain National Park Uganda

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Mountain climbing:
Rwenzori Mountain is an underrated gem that is largely undiscovered by many. The scenery on the mountain has been called some of the most beautiful on the planet! With some of the world’s best mountain hikers have climbed the Rwenzori Mountains. Mountain Rwenzori is covered in different types of vegetation and climate which will leave you spell bound as you scale its heights. It will not be unlike climbing into heaven. Climbing to the highest summit Margherita offers opportunities to marvel at the snow-capped peaks and alpine vegetation and encountering beautiful lakes and rivers high up on the mountain. Descending the mountain rewards hikers with more sustained views of the vast farmlands with crops such as coffee which is a very important cash crop in the country. From there you will behold beautiful land terrain and plant life of sub montane vegetation in the Afro-montane zone covered by luxurious tropical evergreen forest with a high richness in color and species, Queen Elizabeth national park and the Virunga ranges in DR Congo.
There are two hiking trails that are used by hikers to get to the summit. The first one is the Central Circuit Trail that starts form Mihunga taking 7 days. The Rwenzori Mountaineering Services is the only one that organizes hiking in this route. The second trail is the Kilembe trail that starts from Kilembe near Kasese town. This is a new route that was recently opened and is run by the Rwenzori trekking services. It takes 5 days to reach one of the peaks. In order to explore all the three highest peaks, one should set aside at least 9 days.

The most convenient way of arranging a hiking adventure to the park is to use the services of a tour operator. Lakato Safaris can help you organize transport and book accommodation while also working with the Rwenzori Mountaineering Services to arrange for porters, guides and cooks. The overall cost of hiking to the summit of the mountains includes the cost of 2 porters, guides, a cook, rescue mission, accommodation and heating. There is a standard park entrance fee of $30 per day. For more details about the hiking trails, stages and huts, check out our 9 Days Mount Rwenzori hiking tour package.
Inexperienced hikers may find reaching the highest peak Margherita extremely strenuous. Shorter and less strenuous hikes can be arranged around the mountain without going all the way up to the snow-capped peaks.

Bird watching:
Birding enthusiast will delight in the Rwenzori Mountains of the Moon which home to 217 bird species including several Albertine Rift Endemics which justifies UNESCO labeling it a key Birding Area. At about 1800 meters, the variety will leave you captivated including the Handsome Francolin, Rwenzori Turaco, Long-eared Owl, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Strange Weaver, Archers’ Robin-chat, Rwenzori Batis, White-starred Robin, Montane Sooty Boubou, Slender-billed Starling, Lagden’s Bush Shrike, Blue-headed Sunbird, Barbets, Golden-winged Sunbird, Greenbuls, IIladopsis, Apalises, Crimson wings and Flycatchers.

Inexperienced mountain climbers have an option of hiking through the forests at the foothills and on the mountain slopes and forest or taking part in activities like hand fishing along some of the streams on the mountain hills. While in the forest, look out for the three horned Rwenzori chameleon. This rare reptile is only found in Uganda, Rwanda and DR Congo. The male chameleon has 3 horns while the female has none.

Rwenzori Mountain

Cultural exchange:
You will have plenty of opportunities to witness the local tribes living at the foot of the mountains at the foothills of the mountain of the moon carrying out their cultural lifestyles and activities like cultural dances and if you are lucky, you might even get some lessons on drumming and dancing. You will also visit the Ruboni village to learn about the daily lifestyle and history of the Bakonzo tribe. The Bakonzo people arrange cultural dance performances while sharing information about their history where you will learn about the lifestyles of old of the forefathers of the mountains of the moon.
The other interesting cultural experience is to go for the Bulemba-Ihandiro Cultural Trail. This trail gives more exposure to the intriguing culture of the Bakonzo. There are opportunities to visit   a traditional healer and local blacksmiths. Visitors learn how to make fire locally and weave baskets. The Bulemba-Ihandiro Cultural Trail also takes visitors to the Bakonzo traditional Museum. The local museum has a collection of traditional items of cultural and historical importance to the Bakonzo (Rwenzururu) including art pieces and locally made dresses.

Lounging on the foothills:
After a tiring day of awe and wonder, you will be able to cool off in any of the scenic lodgings around the mountains of the moon, take a soothing shower and behold the beautiful scenery. At night you will be able to hang out in the starlit night sky around a bonfire as you listen to tales of the mountains of the moon.

Tips and packing list when visiting the Rwenzori Mountains National Park.
Before visiting the Rwenzori Mountains national park for any activity, it is important to note that the temperatures around the park are extremely cold even during the dry seasons. The Rwenzori area receives rain throughout the year but the amount intensifies during the wet season. The area can get very cold and the trails are slippery and full of mud. Other factors to take into consideration are:-

1. The mountain climbing equipment provided by the Rwenzori Mountaineering Services may not be of the highest possible quality. It is important to bring your own hiking gear, waterproof clothes, sleeping bags, crampons, harnesses, plastic bags and walking sticks. Also remember to come with a good camera and sun glasses to protect the eyes. If you wish to cook your own food while hiking the mountain, you need to arrange for a good stove.

2. Bring with you first aid backups because it’s possible to predict how your body will be affected by high altitude before you go. One of the popular altitude medication is to play it7 safe and carry along, be sure to pack ibuprofen, cough drops and any counter indigestion pills incase things get less than pleasant.

3. To successfully climb to the top of any of the peeks, a hiker needs to be in great shape and free of any lung or heart problems. Eat less fat and more fruit or carbohydrates during the hike. Dehydration has stopped many a climber from completing the mountain hike. Try to drink as much water as you can and do not try to push yourself too hard.

4. Beware of illnesses related to staying too long in altitudes beyond 3500 meters. Look out for symptoms like breathing difficulty, fatigue, headache, nausea, hand/feet swellings and sleeplessness. If possible come with supplies of oxygen.

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