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Ultimate guide to Gorilla trekking in uganda 2023/2024

Gorilla, Habituation, Gorilla habitution, Bwindi, National park

Are you planning Mountain Gorillas trekking in Uganda on your next adventure as we provide the ultimate guide to Gorilla trekking in Uganda 2023/2024. The activity is organized in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, where visitors can track habituated mountain gorilla families.

Things to note before your next adventure:

Best Time for Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

The best time for trekking gorillas in Uganda is during the dry seasons when the weather conditions are more favorable and the trails are more accessible.

Dry Seasons

June to September:

  • Advantages: This period is the peak dry season, offering the best conditions for trekking. Trails are less muddy and easier to navigate, and there’s a lower chance of rain.
  • Disadvantages: This is also the peak tourist season, so permits and accommodations can be in high demand and need to be booked well in advance.

December to February:

  • Advantages: Another dry season, although shorter, offering good trekking conditions similar to the mid-year period. The vegetation is less dense, making it easier to spot gorillas.
  • Disadvantages: This period can also be busy, so early booking is recommended.

Rainy Seasons

March to May:

  • Advantages: Fewer tourists, which means more availability of permits and accommodations. The forest is lush and green, and the atmosphere is tranquil.
  • Disadvantages: Higher chances of rain, which can make trails slippery and challenging. However, the rain typically falls in short bursts and may not disrupt the entire trek.

October to November:

  • Advantages: Similar to the March to May period, with fewer tourists and lush scenery.
  • Disadvantages: The rainy conditions can make trekking more difficult, and some trails may be harder to navigate.

Permit Requirement: Gorilla Trekking permits are a must requirement and must be obtained in advance due to limited daily availability. This helps in managing the number of visitors and ensuring minimal disruption to the gorillas.

Weather Conditions: Although trekking is scheduled daily, extreme weather conditions might occasionally cause delays or cancellations. However, the climate in these areas generally allows for year-round trekking.

Group Size: Each group of trekkers is limited to a small number up to 8 people, to reduce the impact on the gorillas and to enhance the experience.

Rangers: Each trekking group is accompanied by experienced rangers who ensure safety and provide information about the gorillas and the forest.

Planning and booking in advance are essential due to the popularity and limited availability of permits.

Gorilla trekking in Uganda is a highly sought-after adventure that offers a unique opportunity to observe endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Here is a detailed guide to help you understand the essentials of gorilla trekking in Uganda:

Key Locations for Gorilla Trekking Experience

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park:

  • Home to nearly half of the world’s mountain gorilla population.
  • Divided into four main trekking sectors: Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, and Nkuringo.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park:

  • Part of the larger Virunga Conservation Area.
  • Home to one habituated gorilla family known as the Nyakagezi group.

Trekking Experience

  • Duration: Usually terkking can’t be determined but Treks can last from a few hours to a full day, depending on the location of the gorillas.
  • Difficulty: The trek can be challenging due to the dense forest, steep terrain, and high altitude, requiring a moderate level of fitness.
  • Group Size: Limited to 8 people per gorilla family per day to minimize disturbance and ensure sustainability.


  • Cost: As of 2024 to 2026, a gorilla trekking permit in Uganda costs $800 per person.
  • Booking: Permits must be booked well in advance through the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) or authorized Uganda tour operators due to high demand and limited availability.

What to Bring

  • Clothing: Lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and trousers to protect against insects, bugs and thorny vegetation.
  • Footwear: Sturdy, waterproof hiking boots.
  • Gear: Rain jacket, hat, gloves, and a walking stick (often provided by guides).
  • Essentials: Water, snacks, insect repellent, sunscreen, and a camera with a zoom lens (no flash).

Guidelines and Rules

  • Maintain Distance: Stay at least 7 meters (about 23 feet) away from the gorillas.
  • Health Precautions: Do not trek if you are ill to prevent transmitting diseases to the gorillas.
  • Behavior: Follow the instructions of your guides and rangers, keep voices low, and avoid sudden movements.


  • A range of options from budget to luxury lodges are available near the trekking areas in Bwindi and Mgahinga. It’s advisable to stay nearby to start the trek early in the morning.

Conservation and Community Impact

  • Conservation Efforts: Gorilla trekking permits fund conservation efforts and support the protection of gorilla habitats by the neighbouring communities.
  • Community Benefits: A portion of the revenue supports local communities, providing employment and development opportunities.

Additional Activities

  • Cultural Visits: Experience local culture through community walks, visiting Batwa pygmy communities, forest nature walks and exploring local markets.
  • Other Wildlife: Explore additional wildlife viewing opportunities in Uganda’s other national parks, such as Murchison Falls National Park, Lake Mburo National Park or Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Gorilla trekking in Uganda is a profound experience that not only offers a close encounter with one of the world’s most magnificent animals but also contributes to their conservation and the well-being of local communities.

Why book with Lakato Safaris your trip to visit the Mountain Gorillas in Uganda?
At Lakato Safaris we provide a tailor-made service with the utmost dedication to the safety and enjoyment of our clients. We are committed to the well-being of our staff and guests as well as to having a positive impact on the communities and wild places that our operations reach. On all our operations and safaris. Contact us here for more information about ultimate guide to gorilla trekking in uganda 2023/2024.