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Cheetah- “The Racy Cat.”

Cheetah- “The Racy Cat.”

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Cheetah – “The Racy Cat.” Scientific name: “ACINONYX JUBATUS” The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world and most unique and specialized member of the cat family, sprinting up to 70 miles per hour (Mph)! However, this fast cat can only maintain its top speed for short distance (less than one-half mile, due


The Hippopotamus

The Hippopotamus

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The word hippopotamus comes from the ancient Greek ‘hippopotamus’, hippo- “horse”. Thus hippopotamus means horse of the River. A male hippopotamus is called fen vale-cow and a baby hippo is called a calf. Hippos socially live in a group of 30. The hippopotamus has a “torso” that is shaped like a barrel, a very big

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The Vervet Monkey

The Vervet Monkey

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The Vervet Monkey is a Good Baby sitter! It is said that monkeys are brothers to human beings. It is crystal clear that mothers love their babies even though some abandon them. Believe it or not, there is an animal in Uganda Wildlife Education Centre, Entebbe whose mother’s love triples that of human mothers! This

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An adventure into the Monkey Species in Uganda

An adventure into the Monkey Species in Uganda

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Uganda has got a variety species of primates which include; the mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys among others and all these have been divided into many subspecies. The pearl of Africa has got a number of unique species of monkeys which one should not miss on a tour/safari to Uganda. Mangabey monkeys are on a recent


The Oribi

The Oribi

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The Oribi is a small antelope found in Eastern, Southern and Western Africa. The sole member of its genus, The Oribi reaches nearly 50–67 cm at the shoulder and weighs 12–22 kilograms. Only males possess horns, they are thin, have straight horns of about 8–18 cm long, they are smooth at the tips and ringed

The Great Apes

The Great Apes

The Great Apes

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The Mysterious Beauty of the Great Apes! The gorilla is the largest of the great apes family and can be divided into four subspecies. Western lowland Gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla), these type of gorilla are mostly seen in zoos. As of 2008, there were an estimated 125,000 western lowland gorillas living in Africa. Cross River

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Murchison falls national park – Uganda

Murchison falls national park – Uganda

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Murchison Falls Conservation Area ( MFCA ) comprises of Murchison Falls National Park, Bugungu and Karuma Falls Wildlife Reserves. This is where the Nile explodes through a narrow gorge and cascades down to become a placid river whose banks are thronged with hippos and crocodiles, waterbucks and buffaloes. The vegetation is characterized by savannah, riverine

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The spotted Hyenas

The spotted Hyenas

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Spotted hyenas are scientifically known as “crocuta crocuta” and are among the most impressing attractions that are always encountered on our “Safaris.” The spotted hyena prefers to live in the rolling savannah landscapes of Uganda among which include the National Parks that fall under the Vegetation category. Spotted hyena is known to be the only

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Uganda boosts over 500 species of wildlife including mammals and with the opening of the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, the big five are all here again. Uganda is also home to more than half the world’s mountain gorillas, and viewing them in their natural environment is one of the main attractions for visitors. On top of