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The Nile Crocodile (CrocodilusNiloticus)

The Nile Crocodile (CrocodilusNiloticus)

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The nile crocodile is a massive reptile and probably the most feared predator in Africa. Crocodiles have the strongest bite in the animal kingdom. The Nile crocodile’s bite can exert a force eight times more powerful than that of a great white shark and 15 times more than a Rottweiler’s’ powerful muscles for closing the


The Hippopotamus

The Hippopotamus

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The word hippopotamus comes from the ancient Greek ‘hippopotamus’, hippo- “horse”. Thus hippopotamus means horse of the River. A male hippopotamus is called fen vale-cow and a baby hippo is called a calf. Hippos socially live in a group of 30. The hippopotamus has a “torso” that is shaped like a barrel, a very big

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An adventure into the Monkey Species in Uganda

An adventure into the Monkey Species in Uganda

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Uganda has got a variety species of primates which include; the mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, monkeys among others and all these have been divided into many subspecies. The pearl of Africa has got a number of unique species of monkeys which one should not miss on a tour/safari to Uganda. Mangabey monkeys are on a recent


The Oribi

The Oribi

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The Oribi is a small antelope found in Eastern, Southern and Western Africa. The sole member of its genus, The Oribi reaches nearly 50–67 cm at the shoulder and weighs 12–22 kilograms. Only males possess horns, they are thin, have straight horns of about 8–18 cm long, they are smooth at the tips and ringed

The Great Apes

The Great Apes

The Great Apes

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The Mysterious Beauty of the Great Apes! The gorilla is the largest of the great apes family and can be divided into four subspecies. Western lowland Gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla), these type of gorilla are mostly seen in zoos. As of 2008, there were an estimated 125,000 western lowland gorillas living in Africa. Cross River

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The Defassa Waterbuck

The Defassa Waterbuck

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The Defassa waterbuck scientifically known as “elipsiprymnus” formerly occurred throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa and have been eliminated widely within their former range, but survives in many protected areas and in some other areas which are sparsely populated by humans. Waterbucks are not actually aquatic though they are frequently found in the vicinity of rivers

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Murchison falls national park – Uganda

Murchison falls national park – Uganda

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Murchison Falls Conservation Area ( MFCA ) comprises of Murchison Falls National Park, Bugungu and Karuma Falls Wildlife Reserves. This is where the Nile explodes through a narrow gorge and cascades down to become a placid river whose banks are thronged with hippos and crocodiles, waterbucks and buffaloes. The vegetation is characterized by savannah, riverine

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A brief about Kidepo national park in uganda.

A brief about Kidepo national park in uganda.

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Kidepo National Park lies in the rugged, semi arid valleys between Uganda’s borders with south Sudan in the north west and only 5km from the eastern border of Kenya, some 700 km from Kampala. Kidepo is Uganda’s most isolated national park, but the few who make the long journey north through the wild frontier region

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Entebbe Botanical Gardens

Entebbe Botanical Gardens

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The Entebbe Botanical gardens are located in Entebbe Town Uganda on shores of Lake Victoria. The gardens are less than 5 minutes’ drive from Entebbe International Airport and about 34 km from Kampala City, the capital of Uganda.   It was established in the year 1898 and is the oldest national Botanic Garden in Uganda

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Activities around Sipi falls

Activities around Sipi falls

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Situated in Sipi Village Kapchorwa Mbale district, North East of Mbale and Sironko. Sipi falls is a lesser-known gem worth visiting. Sipi falls is a series of three separate falls formed at different altitudes. The name Sipi was derived from the word ‘sep’ which is a name of a wild banana-like indigenous plant that grows

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Mountains of the Moon

Mountains of the Moon

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The Rwenzori are the legendary “Mountains of the Moon” which was gazetted to a National park in 1991 and became known as Rwenzori Mountains National Park and it is managed by Uganda Wildlife Authority. Rwenzori national park lies in western Uganda along the Uganda-Congo border. The headquarters of the national park are in Nyakalenjija village along

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The spotted Hyenas

The spotted Hyenas

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Spotted hyenas are scientifically known as “crocuta crocuta” and are among the most impressing attractions that are always encountered on our “Safaris.” The spotted hyena prefers to live in the rolling savannah landscapes of Uganda among which include the National Parks that fall under the Vegetation category. Spotted hyena is known to be the only